Tag Archives: Fred Rogers

Thank You to The Helpers

10 Oct

I am a firm believer in the words of wisdom from Mr. Fred Rogers.  One of his gems was in times of stress or danger, “look for the helpers.”  I have to say that in the last four days, the helpers have been finding me.  I did not realize how many helpers there are surrounding me.

Since Saturday, October 7, when the Hamas terrorists attacked Israel and murdered almost 1000 people who were just going about their days and celebrating the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret, I have felt the support of my community.

I have received over 100 text messages, emails, phone calls, and Facebook messages from people, family and friends, living all over the country and Israel.  I have heard from friends I have not heard from in several years who want to check in on me.  Why me?  Because my daughter and her husband live in Israel.  And everyone wants to know if they are safe.

My neighbors have called and left me messages.  A family member who was traveling overseas, emailed me upon landing in Hungary when she heard about the attacks.  My college roommate and high school friends are contacting me.  My community in Kansas have reached out.  And it is not just me.  My husband has received messages and support from his work colleagues and friends.

Our world is so small now. What happens in one community, one country can impact every country. The violence of terrorist has been a bane to many countries: New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania, USA, Mumbai, India, Paris, France; Buenes Aires, Argentina; and more.  The need for security from terrorists/shooters is overwhelming simple things like entering a building, going to school, going to pray.

In most cases the active shooter or the terrorist is easily seen as the one doing evil.  It is somewhat disheartening to see on social media and in the news that there are people who are praising the barbaric slaughter of children, women, men, families in their homes, elderly.  Many of whom were just at home enjoying a holiday. But not only were they killed but their corpses were mutilated.  And many were taken hostage and brutalized and humiliated and hurt. Hamas has shown its true face of evil. 

To those who feel that Israel is at fault for this attack, I have to say how would you react if a group of terrorists came over from Mexico and killed 1000 people in El Paso, Texas, and said the USA deserved it because they are treating the South American refugees badly. Would you say the USA deserved once again to be the victim of terrorism? I think not. The citizens of the USA would want revenge, just as we did after 911. It is a war crime to actually target children and non military personal.

According to the United Nations: “The right of civilians not to be arbitrarily deprived of life and the prohibitions against killing or maiming civilians are principles firmly enshrined in international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international jurisprudence. The prohibition of violence to civilians, including children, in particular murder, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture is a principle of customary international law, with universal applicability in all situations of armed conflict.” (See website below.)

I would think that taking children and infants hostage; murdering over 260 teenagers at a party, and murdering families in their homes would be considered a crime against humanity, targeting women, children, civilians is not acceptable in International law. And yes, Israel is now bombing Gaza, and innocents will be killed. And that hurts as well. But as we well know by now that Hamas uses civilians as human shields. Another crime against humanity that must be credited to the evil of Hamas.

Which brings me to another Mr. Rogers quote:

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”

When a terrorist attack occurs anywhere in the world, no matter the country, we as the world community need to come together and be the helpers and say this is wrong.  We need to help. It is our problem. These attacks do not happen without financial support. The world is aware of where the money comes from to kill. I believe it was due to the process of creating an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel that this attacks happened. Hamas and its ally would lose some control if that agreement had occurred.

I know there are those working for peace in the Middle East. I thank them.

For me, I say thank you to all those who have reached out to give me moral support and love during this time of great distress and anxiety for Israel, all of her citizens, my daughter and her husband, my extended family and friends and also for the Palestinian people who are not members of Hamas and who are also suffering due to the terrorists’ unconscionable acts.

May the names and memories of all have been killed be a blessing.  May the goodness of the helpers be remembered.  I end with one last Mr. Rogers’ quote:

“There are three ways to ultimate success:

The first way is to be kind.

The second way is to be kind.

The third way is to be kind.”