Archive | February, 2024

Uncle Sammy Presents A Surprise!!

25 Feb

Of my paternal grandmother’s two brothers, I must admit I liked Uncle Sammy more. He was always jovial and happy.  But he also had a bit of scandal attached to him.  Whenever he was around or came to family events, my grandma would get a bit agitated, waiting for something to happen.

I know she was not great friends with his wife, who I always assumed was his second wife.  I even wrote about her a previous blog. (See blog below.).  But Uncle Sammy always had a smile.  He was the youngest sibling and just seemed the most relaxed. Being around him made me happy.  But then I also loved my great uncle Lenny, who taught me how to bet on the horses. (See blog below)

Uncle Sammy worked as a bus driver from the Port Authority in New York City.   I actually remember one time waiting for a bus with my Mom at the Port Authority Bus Terminal, a giant bus hub in Manhattan, when I actually saw my great Uncle.  It was such a surprise.  He beeped his horn and stopped his bus for a moment and to say hello to us. I was so excited!

I vaguely remember that he eventually became a supervisor at the Port Authority.  But, although I can find a docuent stating he was a bus driver, I have been unable tto confirm the promotion. When I ask my older cousins, they do not remember much about him at all. I might have been the only fascinated by him.

My Uncle Sammy died young, in his early 60s.  I do not know the exact date, but I was probably 13 or 14. So around 1968 – 1969.

I knew he was married at least two times.  He married his first wife, Adele, in 1932, when he was in his 20s.  They had one daughter, Vesta.  (Thanks to her unusual name, it is easy to find him!)  I never knew Adele, although I did meet Vesta once or twice.  She was 20 years older than me.  When I knew Uncle Sammy, he was married to Sylvia, who I assumed was his second wife.

But my view of Uncle Sammy changed just a little while searching for my Grandmother’s young brother who died as a toddler.  (See blog below.).  While searching for Jacob, EW (my distant cousin and excellent researcher) found a startling fact about Uncle Sammy.  It seems he had a third wife!!! 

When he was 43 years old, in the 1950 census, he had a wife named Gloria who was 14 years younger, jsut 29.  His then 16-year-old daughter was living with them.   But this  entry in the 1950 census is important because it confirms that he was a bus driver.

I have not been able to find any other documents about Uncle Sammy, not his death certificate or where he is buried.  Although I do know that his widow Sylvia remained in Kew Gardens after he died.  She stayed in touch with our family and came to family events.

EW did find one more item for me.  Uncle Sammy’s daughter, Vesta Jean got married in 1969. He told me that she is listed as Vesta Goldman on her marriage license   But as you can see here, in the announcements she took her stepfather’s last name, Saltzman. 

I think Uncle Sammy had passed away by then.  Because I cannot imagine she would have written her dad out of her marriage if he was still alive. But I do not know for sure, as here it says that she was married by a Reverend. And marrying someone who was not Jewish might have been an issue, because I never knew that Vesta had married.  And I do not think anyone in the Goldman family went to the wedding. As far as I know, Vesta and her husband Clifford, did not have children. 

I hope I can one day find where Uncle Sammy is buried. With the name Samuel Goldman, he is difficult to find. There were many Samuel Goldmans in New York City. EW checked the Bialystoker lists, as other members of my family are listed there. But no luck. With this blog I hope to keep Uncle Sammy’s memory alive for our family.

Grace and Civility Seem To Be On Sabbatical

19 Feb

Before I even begin this commentary, I need to make sure everyone understands the definitions of Civility and Grace.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:  Civility “is civilized conduct, especially: Courtesy, Politeness; A polite act or expression”; Grace, is define in many ways, but the two important here are: “is a disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy or clemency; a sense of propriety or right/ the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful.”

When I was growing up, my mother would tell me that you are more likely to get what you want by using honey, than by using vinegar.  Her meaning was that when you treat other people well, they in turn would usually treat you well.  I have used this philosophy throughout my life. I try to be kind and to treat all those that I meet during the day the way I want to be treated. 

I have to admit, I have been exposed to many instances where I am frustrated and annoyed… especially in airports, but I always treat others, including the customer services representatives and the flight attendants with respect.  Whatever my issue is, was not their fault.  And I have found over the years, that they treat me kindly in return.  I have seen many adult melt downs that were so inappropriate: yelling, threatening, with no sense of civility or grace to the people who are trying to do their job. I find it offensive and concerning. 

The lack of civility and grace are obvious in many places now.  And many times we now see people resorting to shooting someone when things do not go their way. Each day we hear of more mass shootings. The one in Kansas City hit close to home. I knew many families who were celebrating the Cheif’s Super Bowl victory at Union Station.

But why? Is it impatience? Have people lost the ability to take the time to speak to each other? Is it refusal to follow the rules of society? Is it a feeling of superiority? Is it social media, with its impersonal way of spreading hate? What makes someone feel that they can treat someone with disrespect? Or just shoot them? I am not sure. But I am beginning to think that two events lead to the increased an inability to act with kindness.

My first issue has to do with politicians and negative campaigns. Wow, have they become nasty or what?  When I was a young adult, I saw campaign ads that usually focused on what the candidate would do for me and the country.  They would stress the differences between themselves and the opposition. But there was never the out and out nastiness that we see now.  Many claim the investigation into a candidate’s secrets started with Gary Hart. But that seems primitive to what we see in campaigns now.

An example: I decided that I would watch every Republican primary debate this fall, 2023. And I did.  It was difficult at times with all the screaming, accusations and just out right nasty comments all around.  When did this type of behavior, horrifyingly infantile, begin in debates.  I think we all know who started that…the one candidate who did not even come to this fall’s Republican debates.  But there were several candidates who seemed to believe that aping this behavior would help them.  I guess not, since they all dropped out. Leaving the lone woman continuing on to face the onslaught of nasty and negative comments.

The second issue concerns the onset of the COVID Pandemic and the attacks on masks and vaccines. 

What is the problem here?  Masks hurt no one.  Doctors, I am married to one, often wear masks.  Surgeons wear them for hours at a time, as do surgical nurses.  When a patient has an infectious disease, doctors and nurses often wear protective gear.  But suddenly the request for people to wear masks to protect themselves and others became tribal warfare.  There was no civility and no grace for anyone.  If you wear or do not wear a mask you were choosing a team, instead of trying to stay alive and save others. The existence of a killer virus itself came in question.

And then there was the warfare over vaccines. I actually know a little of what the members of the FDA committee went through.  My husband serves on the committee.  My husband, along with others, received thousands of emails and letters and faxes asking that they do not vote to approve vaccines.  Most were form letters accusing the doctors of crimes against humanity and threats of legal action under the Nuremberg Laws.  Oy Vey.  Some notes were not mean just fearful.  While other notes were outright nasty.  Not threatening, that would get them in trouble. But just really nasty. The majority of these nasty ones had no return address. How do I know?  He brought the letters home and I opened them, making three piles: form letters;  hate/nasty mail; fearful. 

Why the hate?  These men and women were doing a difficult job.  Reading everything they could about the vaccines and how well they would work. Trying to save lives.  But instead, they were vilified by many.  In the long run, the decisions were made.  Millions of people have survived thanks to the miracle of the vaccines that the CDC and others helped to develop and the FDA’s investigations and discussions and votes to use them. They continued their work despite the hate, because they had an underlying desire to do good.

What happened next is apparent. When we could leave our homes, people seemed to believe that rules that govern did not apply to them. Many seem to think that if they did not conform to masks and vaccines, they did not have to follow any rules.  While others  who did wear masks and had vaccines were strident in their opposition to the others. Tribal warefare? Along with these came an increase in gun violence. It is so out of control.

I am like many who are dreading this next political season and the campaigns for president, representatives and senators. I can already imagine the ugly campaign ads.  I am already feeling disgusted. I am also worried about the threats of violence.

Our politicians need to stop feeding the frenzy of discourtesy and hate for the other.  Let’s instead focus on what you plan to do for our country. Let’s focus on unity.  Let’s focus on the being kind and not anti-Semitic, anti-refugee, ant-LGBTQI, anti-woman’s health care, or racist. Let’s find a way to end the rampage of gun violence we have all experienced. Instead, why cannot we focus on finding ways to work together. Finding areas where we can agree. There is so much good that could be accomplished.

Let’s give each other grace and civility.  We would all get more joy from life if we treat each other with kindness and respect.  Let’s end the unfortunate sabbatical of good behavior.

There is a saying that is now posted at many schools: Jennifer Dukes Lee: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”