Social Media Must Stop Jew Hatred

10 Jan

I am so frustrated with Meta’s policies concerning anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews, Israel, Zionism, Judaism, etc.   I realize that we are just 16 million people in the world. Truly a minority. Truly without much of a voice on social media when you consider the total population of the world.

So I was extremely aggravated when I read that Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote a letter to Meta saying that the rights of Palestinians to voice their concerns have been suppressed:

“Reports of Meta’s suppression of Palestinian voices raise serious questions about Meta’s content moderation practices and anti-discrimination protections,” Senator Warren continued. “Social media users deserve to know when and why their accounts and posts are restricted, particularly on the largest platforms where vital information-sharing occurs. Users also deserve protection against discrimination based on their national origin, religion, and other protected characteristics.” (

Personally, I do not want anyone’s rights to be abused. But what disgusts me about her letter is that it was totally one sided. Nowhere in her letter, that I have been able to see, does she mention the horrible anti-Semetic and anti-Israel, actually just outright Jew Hatred attacks on social media.  Nowhere does she acknowledge that many of these attacks are in Arabic or come from Palestinian areas.

So once again we have a double standard. I agree with her sentiment that users of social medial must be protected. But that means all users, including all the Jewish users.  Elizabeth Warren had the opportunity to demand that social media must be better for  both groups.  Instead she chose to focus only on one side and totally ignore the hate that Jewish users are facing.

It is as if she said, ‘Hey, let’s protect the rights of the 1.7 billion and all others in Moslems and Palestinians. But let us not protect the rights of the 16 million Jews and Israelis.  Let us not mention what is happening to them on social media, which is in fact why meta changed the algorithms, to help filter out some of the hate and violence against Jews and Israelis that is all over social media.

I am not saying this from a very personal level.  I have seen the hatred against Jews everywhere.

For the past three months I have been overwhelmed at times by the amount of pure hatred and threats and lies and disgusting comments about Jews or Israelis that are on Facebook. As a volunteer for CyberWell, I have reported many comments and cartoons on Meta social media platforms attacking Jewish people and Israelis.  My reporting feels as if it goes nowhere. And now Senator Warren wants Meta to ease up so more violence can be posted on social media.

Of the many reports I have sent in and then re-reported, only two have been officially taken down.   I have had multiple notifications that I can take my complaints to the oversight review board.  I have submitted five such comments to the review board. 

And I am not talking about little issues.  I am talking about veiled violence:
“Imagine a world without Zionism,” A reference to Oct 7, as “The Best Day Ever”; False information saying the IDF attacked the Nova concert; “Hamas was created and funding by Israel”; “Hitler was right.”  And these are the nicer ones that I reported. I will admit that two were so bad that Meta immediately took them down and told me that if I ever saw anything by these two people again, I should report them immediately.

No group deserved to be annihilated.  “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea,” IS a call for the destruction of all Jews in Israel.   Calling for the destruction of Israel is a threat.  Saying things like. “All J3w$ should die.”  Is not a joke.  Using letters and numbers and dollar signs should be recognized. Lies from Hamas and Hezbollah and Bots under the control of these terrorist groups should be recognized and kicked off Facebook. 

These inactions are hurting people.  College students are being terrorized on campus.  Terrorist and hate groups are using social media to emotionally and psychologically hurt people.   It is time that Meta stops this behavior.   I should not be reading an article from the New York Times and see hundreds of comments that are filled with hate and many times filled with lies.  Think of it, I have made many reports, and only two were removed!

So why didn’t Senator Warren make mention of any of these issues. Why didn’t she write that she understands that much of the hatred on social media is coming from Bots and comments from the Middle East and Palestinian areas.  I know that Terrorist groups have people purposely putting up hate.  But the rights of people who are being attacked also have to be protected. 

I believe that those who make constructive criticism without calling for the annihilation of Jews and Israel should be allowed.  I can handle that.  I also do not agree with everything Israeli government has done.

Meta can tell when song that is under copyright is used and delete it.  Meta should be able to recognize when lies and misinformation and disgusting cartoons are posted.  It must do better, be part of the solution, and stop any hatred from spreading.

At the same time it has to respect the rights of all people to have the right to express their opinion.  As long as their opinion does not include destruction of Israel and all of the Jews..

I wish Senator Warren has said emphasized that as well. Here is Senator Warren’s entire   letter.  As you can read, not once does she mention that Israel has been attacked both physically and on social media.  Not once, even when she writes about the restriction on live streaming, does she mention the horrendous live streaming during the attack on October 7 by the Hamas.:

Once again, I have to say there is a major double standard here.  And Senator Warren’s letter is evidence of what the Jewish community in the United States is facing.

4 Responses to “Social Media Must Stop Jew Hatred”

  1. Amy January 11, 2024 at 7:28 am #

    Although I see lots of those antisemitic signs and slogans in the news, my Facebook logarithms must spare me from seeing them on Facebook. I guess I live in a bubble with people who don’t act that way. I did have one FB “friend” whose posts were vehemently anti-Israel, and I have blocked that person. Maybe it’s better to see this hatred so that we don’t delude ourselves into believing it doesn’t exist.

    • zicharon January 11, 2024 at 7:41 am #

      I have a young relative who was posting pro Israel stuff and friends of hers were posting horrible hatred. She eventually blocked them. But it took a while. Also media posts had tons at first. And here in Kansas a library posted a picture of a child’s Hanukkah book. It got horrible hatred. It is amazing when the hate comes out. I report them all. I even have seen some on linked in.

      • Amy January 11, 2024 at 7:51 am #

        Good for you for reporting them. Of course, sadly that doesn’t end the hate.

      • zicharon January 11, 2024 at 7:54 am #

        No it doesn’t. But I just can’t let it slide. I feel that alerting Meta does just a little to stop it.

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